Since my last post about LC had learned how to pull himself up to a standing position. Well, little munchkin is now getting comfortable letting go and standing for a few second. I'm not ready for him to start walking. I can barely keep up with him crawling all over the house. LC is such a babbler. He babbles so much that we swear that some of his words are real words. I know of a fact that he's saying "what's that?", but "that" comes out first. When he's saying "that" he points and with his middle finger too lol. When he's trying to reach for something he wants he says "up". LC loves loves the phone. Anything that might look like a phone he'll grab and hold it up to his ear and starts to talk and laugh. Hmmmm...wonder where he gets that from. LC loves to look at himself in the mirror and watch himself crack up doing it. He's is starting to discover body parts which is so cute. Since we co-sleep most of the times, one morning he woke up and started to poke my nose, poke my eyes and pull my lips. He does that to us when we are face to face with him. We have been teaching him since he started doing this. Another body part he has discover is his penis. Let's see, oh thanks to big brother and sister, LC now enjoys going into an elevator. As soon as we go in he starts to giggle and get excited. As it starts to go up or down he'll squeal and laugh. Stopping is much more hilarious. People laugh when they see him act this way. LC is a riot. He's doing so much and so fast. I'm not ready, I'm not ready for LC to turn 1 next month. I get teary eyed when I start to think next month he'll become a toddler. Hubby and son are looking forward to all the fun things, but daughter and I aren't. We want LC to be a baby for a much longer time, maybe forever. Oh well it's part of life and we all have to grow up someday, including me. :)
LC 10 months 3 weeks