Yesterday I had my appt with the GD dr and let's just say that it was a very surprised visit. First, my fasting test came out beautiful. My fasting was 88 and my 1 hr after was 120. The norm is suppose to be 90/120 so I passed with flying colors. Yesterday's appt was going to determine wheather or not I should be on Glyburide during the day or insulin at night. She reviewed my levels and my food diary and did say that some of my morning numbers are slightly elevated, but wasn't going to make a big deal out of it. With a control diet I should be fine she said. So, since yesterday's numbers were within the norm range she left it as is and said to take care. Oh how sweet is was to hear that I didn't need any meds.
O.k. well let me get to the surprise part of the appt. I got to see baby Cee once again and baby is measuring 4 lbs and 13 oz so far. Baby is in ready position. So, after a few seconds of measuring she spilled the beans even before I was able to tell her I didn't want to know the gender. Baby wasn't being shy at all and it was in plain view that....drum roll please...We're having a boy!!! A healthy baby boy. I really wanted to be surprised, but this is good enough for me. I had a little bit of tears rolling down my face, but all from happiness and joy.
Hubby was really excited and told me that he knew it. Now we can call baby Cee by his name instead of calling him by both girl and boy name. Yes we're kind of weird.
CONGRATS ON THE BOY!!!! How wonderful!!! :) And great news about the testing!
That's great that your test results came out okay! And congrats on the boy, how exciting!
OMG Gee- Gongrats!!!!! I'm thrilled for you and glad all is well with the baby and your testing was so good. I'm thrilled for you! And glad you were ok with finding out. They should be more careful with that. :) Anyway, congrats! Thrilled for you!
How do you not take things personally regarding your mom? I'm having a hard time with her still and it's really hurting my feelings that she's so out of the picture right now and she's missing my pregnancy and not involved all bc I got mad at her for being mean to me. What can you do with these things and how did you work around it? How do you move on when your mom is missing one of the biggest events in your life? I don't have your email but mine is
Congrats Gee!!! So happy for you guys! Haven't been to your blog in a while and you're almost full term here! Wow! And yay for no insulin!
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