Tuesday, March 6, 2012


i'm on cd 26 and i didn't see any signs of ovulation and i'm getting closer to yet another visit from af. boobs are sore and last night some cramping started up. i'm on a chocolate bing & i'm cranky lol. this only happens when af is arriving...ugh...


Kitty said...

I'm sorry O is not right around the corner and instead AF seems to be closer. I'm right there with you on the chocolate thing. I cannot get enough. I might gain 5 lbs all due to the bad eating the week before my period. Will you get meds if cycles don't regulate? Or are you doing Low GI diet or anything to help?

Thinking of you! Hugs!

gee said...

ugh...af arrived yesterday, so on to another cycle.
my ins doesn't cover infertility issues so i'm on my own...boo. i'm going to need to do something. i'm back to reading all kinds of stuff on natural remedies lol.