Well, since early Sun morning I've been having some contractions, but not strong enough nor close enough to go to L&D. As of yesterday my back has been killing me and my contractions have gotten closer. Before midnight they have been every 15-20 mins apart. Since 1:27 am they were every 15 mins apart on the dot. It's now 3:41 am and my last 4 contractions have been 10 mins apart. So, I do believe it's time to have this baby!!
Thinking back to the beginning I can't believe have blessed we were to get pregnant. It's been a long journey and I do wished that I had started this blog way back when I learned that I had PCOS and struggling.
Back in Aug. before we found out about our BFP we had something terrible happen to us. We were
robbed. It was such an awful feeling to have someone take everything so important from you. That night hubby and I were talking and one thing he said to me was, if we can have a child then the things that were taken won't matter to him. Something good needs to come out of something bad, and it did! A week later I got my BFP and sure enough the things that once mattered are no longer in his mind.
Anyways, as of 3:10 am my contractions have been 8-10 mins apart. I was told to go to L&D when they're 10 mins apart for an hour and I think it's time. I'm going to get some last min things together and take a quick shower. I don't want to go in stinking :). I will keep you posted. Wish us luck!
I leave you with my last belly pic. It's kind of dark and my photo booth won't catch a bighter pic unless I turn on all the lights.