Thursday, May 7, 2009

38w5d appt

Today I went in to for my regular scheduled appt., but when I got there I found out that my MW had canceled all of her appts. I got rescheduled with a MD whom I've seen before when I was having TTC issues. Well, she did an u/s and did some measurements and found out that baby Cee is barely a little over 5 lbs. She wasn't too concern, but she does want me to come back tomorrow for a NST for more measurements. Other than that baby Cee looks good, still head down. 
I know everything will be o.k. I just have to have faith in God that he will continue to look over him. My son was 6 lbs at 41w. so even if baby Cee barely reaches 6 lbs I'll be happy. 

I also had my hospital tour today. It's a brand new hospital which open last month. The birthing rooms are large and so are the postpartum rooms, which is nice. The one thing that I didn't like was that I would need to go to triage before L&D. There they will monitor me for awhile before admitting me. I'm used to going into L&D and I was set to go. 
They also told me since this is my 3rd pregnancy I would need to wait unitl my contractions are 10 mins apart before coming in. Glad to know this otherwise I probably would wait until they're 2-5 mins about before making my trip to the hospital. Sheesh by waiting 2-5 mins I'll probably make head line news...lady gives birth to a baby boy on Sunset Blvd. Imagine that?


Kitty said...

Hey Gee- I'll be thinking of you and baby Cee. I'm sure everything is fine! Keep your faith and pray over the baby. Hang in there and KUP! Thinking of you! You're so close!
Kitty :)

Anonymous said...

I hope everything is okay! A week before our son was born, our doctor said he weighed 7 lbs, some ounces - He turned out to be over 9 lbs - those measurements can be way off! :)