Wednesday, November 11, 2009
We got a break through...
Friday, November 6, 2009
LC's First Halloween

Monday, November 2, 2009
Friday, October 23, 2009
Look Who Turned 5 Months This Week

My little man!!! He's so big and so much fun. He has become a pro at rolling around everywhere I put him. We're working on sitting up longer, but once he sees his feet he goes at them. He goes crazy when he sees me after a long day without me. He laughs uncontrollably and get this, he makes scary noises. Yes you heard me right, scary noises! It's so freakin' cute. I have a short video of him growling I'll post it this weekend.
My chunky monkey was also featured baby of the day on Fox 11 morning news a few weeks ago, twice.
LC got his 20 seconds of fame.
Sunday, September 20, 2009
4 Months Today
Saturday, September 12, 2009
Back To Work!
Monday, August 31, 2009
A Quick Post
Wednesday, July 22, 2009
2 Months Old
Friday, July 3, 2009
6 Wks Later and a Birth Story
Friday, May 29, 2009
Daily Routine
Saturday, May 23, 2009
He's Finally Here!!!
Wednesday, May 20, 2009
40w4d and Finally Some Progress

Wednesday, May 13, 2009
Come Out, Come Out Baby Cee
First, here are a few pictures of us from our maternity session taken last month. We finally got to see them and they all came out so adorable and funny. Our niece has taken up photography and she takes really good pictures. We really loved all of them. She's such an amazing person that all she wants to do is take pictures of baby Cee when he's born. We had so much fun doing this. We had mostly his entire family watching the session. It did make it a lot easier for us to be more ourselves.
Thursday, May 7, 2009
38w5d appt
Tuesday, May 5, 2009
Baby Shower
Friday, May 1, 2009
Officially On Maternity Leave.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009
I Got An Early Surprise!
O.k. well let me get to the surprise part of the appt. I got to see baby Cee once again and baby is measuring 4 lbs and 13 oz so far. Baby is in ready position. So, after a few seconds of measuring she spilled the beans even before I was able to tell her I didn't want to know the gender. Baby wasn't being shy at all and it was in plain view that....drum roll please...We're having a boy!!! A healthy baby boy. I really wanted to be surprised, but this is good enough for me. I had a little bit of tears rolling down my face, but all from happiness and joy.
Hubby was really excited and told me that he knew it. Now we can call baby Cee by his name instead of calling him by both girl and boy name. Yes we're kind of weird.
Saturday, April 11, 2009
It's My 35/35
Wednesday, April 8, 2009
Disappointing Dr. Appt.
Honestly, I don't want to have to go through that. I was telling hubby about this and all he was able to say to me was "don't to worry everyone gets it". Not to be mean but, hubby's words kind of bugged me. How can he say that? I was looking for some comfort and all he gave me was nothing. I started to cry and hung up on him. I spent the whole day just thinking about everything yesterday. My mind was so preoccupied that I didn't do much work. Now I have tons to do today.
Oh well, I know it's not the end of the world, but I do need to take care of this. My goal is to stick with this GD diet until I deliver baby Cee. This will help me and the baby now and me in the long run.
Friday, April 3, 2009
Baby Shower
So now that I know about this baby shower I'm not sure about the welcome baby party. I don't want those that are going to be attending to think bad. I'm really sure it's going to be mainly the ladies in his family. I really would like everyone to meet baby Cee.
Oh well I guess we will decide once baby Cee arrives.
Wednesday, April 1, 2009
It's April and 6 weeks to go!!
So this month is also my last month working. My last work day will be the 30th and then I'm off. I'll be taking a 2 week vacation then my disability will begin. I will be returning back to work sometime after Labor Day.
I'm also going to have a maternity session this month. One of our niece has taken up photography and she actually photographs for the women's professional soccer team. She takes really great pictures. She wants to expand her portfolio so she asked us.
Here's a little quick update of my pregnancy.
How far along: 33w4d
Total weight gain/loss: 1st tri lost 5 lbs, 2nd tri gained 10 lbs, 3rd tri (so far) gained 2 lbs.
Stretch marks: I think I might of found 2 little ones on my belly. With my other 2 pregnancies I only got them on my thighs and butt.
Sleep: In 1st tri my sleep wasn't good. I couldn't get comfortable at all. 2nd tri was heaven. I slept really good. Now, I'm back to not sleeping. I'm having nightmares!! I'm so tired that I feel it when I'm driving to work every morning.
Best moment this week: This week I would have to say watching baby Cee doing the worm inside. I use to feel his/her movement below my belly now it's all over.
Food cravings: Let's see it used to be chili cheese fries & nachos. Right now I haven't any.
Gender: Team Green
Belly button: I was looking at my belly button the other night and it's in, but pulling down.
Milestone: Going pass 32 weeks. Since my last pregnancy ended at 32 weeks due to preeclampsia I was worried that it might happen again.
I can't wait until you're born baby Cee. Daddy is so excited and he's more than ready for you. He predicts that you're a boy and he sometimes talks to you and calls you by the boy name we chose for you. Sister is also excited. Everyday she says hi to you and sends you kisses through my belly. Brother is also happy as well. He said that if you're a boy that he will show you how to skateboard.
You are going to be so loved by everyone!!
Sunday, March 29, 2009
33w1d Bump Pic

Thursday, March 26, 2009
A Revisit With An Old Friend
Saturday, March 14, 2009
1st Baby Purchase

Wednesday, March 11, 2009
A Quick Update On MY BHs
O.k. now this is not what I was expecting to do. I thought I would get an appt like tomorrow or something and she would check me out. As of now my BHs have subsided, so I think I'm going to wait and see. Now, if I was having constant pain all day then I would drop everything and go to L&D, but it was only this morning. Hopefully this was just my body telling me to take it easy and don't do so much.
Update On My Last Appt.
Anyways, even with a not so good dr visit at least we got to see baby Cee which we weren't expecting. :)
In other news, I've been getting a lot of braxton hicks since Sunday. I've always known about braxton hicks, but never knew that I should call if I get 4 or more within an hour, which I was having. I don't know why, but I just thought it had something to do with me over doing it on house work. All day I kept feeling pressure on my pelvic almost like baby Cee was coming out. I told R about it and he made me sit and do nothing. Since we had his brothers over for a late lunch I almost felt bad for not doing anything in preparing lunch. It was a good thing that BIL's girlfriend was nice enough to clean up for me.
These last few days I've been feeling a little better, but this morning it has started up again. I'm keeping track of them to see how many I feel within the hour. Right now I've had 3 in 40 mins. Because I rather be safe than sorry I'll be calling my midwife in a little bit.
Saturday, February 28, 2009
Bump Pic at 29 weeks

Wednesday, February 18, 2009
Moving Alone
On the 4th I'll be seeing a doc to discuss VBAC delivery. My c-section with daughter was so awful. My recovery was long and painful and I really don't want to go through it again, so I'm going to give it a try. I got my last medical record from previous doc and I'll be taking it with me on this appt.
I have to admit, I'm starting to feel a little nervous about going into labor. I've only experienced it once, 15 1/2 yrs ago. Daughter was prematured and I had to have an emergency c-section to save her life at 32 wk gestation.
Hubby keeps telling me to just have a c-section, but I don't think he understands. If only he can experience a c-section.
Anyways, I know it will be sucessful and I know that I'll be a much happier person after.
Monday, February 2, 2009
4D Ultrasound Pics @ 25w

Awww...look at my little bambino or bambina. We did the 4D ultrasound on Saturday and I was just so amazed. Hubby, daughter and I got to spend 15 mins with our baby just watching his/her every move. Since we don't want to know the gender we told the tech to stay above the waist to avoid any exposure. It was a good thing too because baby Cee had his/her legs wide open.
Tuesday, January 27, 2009
24w2d Belly Pic

I took a couple of belly shots last night. Now, does my belly really look like a basketball? I have noticed that my belly is starting to shape more round and a little pointy at the bottom. Last night hubby was tripping out because baby Cee was moving and you could see my belly bounce side to side. It was fun to watch. :)
Monday, January 26, 2009
24 Weeks
I turned 24w on Sat. I can't believe that this pregnancy is going so fast. This is what baby Cee looks like in my womb. I'm not sure if this is the exact position the baby is in, but if it is, then this explains why I get kicked so much on my cervix. This baby is having a ball doing it. Baby Cee has been moving so much these last few days. Hubby finally got to feel the baby kick and punch a few times. It was quite funny seeing his face expression. His eyes almost popped out of his sockets, but it was cute to see that.
This past weekend I did my first baby purchase. I bought a really cute and funny onesie and an outfit. Everyone loved the onesie. (I will post a pic of it tomorrow or later this week) It was a really nice feeling to browse around and picking out somethings. Daughter was with me and she just kept telling me to just buy blue. She really thinks that baby Cee is a boy. Last night she had me stand up and she felt my belly and stared at it and said "Yup, your belly is starting to look like a basketball, so that means you're having a boy mommy". How cute was that? She's my little miss know it all.
P.S. How do you like the new look? The colors of the dots are similar colors to our wedding scheme.
Wednesday, January 21, 2009
I Passed!!
As for baby, he/she has a good strong heartbeat and sounds good and my blood pressure is looking good too. Since I had preeclampsia with daughter she's keeping a close eye on me. Other than that I'm feeling pretty good, except for my sciatica. This has been hurting so bad that sometimes it's getting a little hard to deal with. My midwife offered some acupuncture treatments as part of my prenatal care, but I don't know. I've heard good things, but I'm scared. If it gets too bad then I might have to consider some treatments. Anyways, we'll see how it goes.
As for our move, we're finished. Moving sucks ass and to think that we will be doing this again at the end of the year. It's weird. I hear so much more at my in-law's house than I did at my old place. I was away from the busy streets and here I'm above a major busy street. Everything echos up and then I hear the shots from the police academy that's a little further up where I'm at. I think once I get use to the area I'll be o.k. and I'll get to sleep a little better.
Wednesday, January 7, 2009
Moving & Almost 22 Weeks.
As far as baby stuff we haven't even consider what theme we want for the baby. I'm on the safari theme bandwagon. I just love how it looks. I think we will determine all that once we move. We are in the process of moving into my in-laws until Oct or Nov. There's nobody living there because the in-laws went back to Italy for a long while. They been gone since May and won't (maybe) be returning sometime until the end of this year. Since we really don't have room for the baby where we are now, we thought this would be good for us to move in and stash some money away. The siblings and the in-laws agreed and they're all good with it. So, we are suppose to be completely moved out by next Thurs. I'm taking Thurs. & Fri off to do last minute stuff and do my final walk through. I'm kind of sad to leave because this place was our first apt. together also the place where hubby proposed to me. Aside of the good memories we had there and the good times we had with our neighbors who became really good friends, I really won't be missing anything. Daughter will miss the pool. She learned how to swim in the pool and always looks forward to the summer. Son is looking forward to the move. Only because there is a pro skater who is well known living in the apt complex that the in-laws own next to the house.
I'm hoping with this opportunity we will buy our first house soon after the baby is born. I'm really hoping. So here's to a new year and a fresh start.